Arno Gatz
Owner: Olaf Gatz
Bergisch Gladbacher Str. 787
51069 Cologne (Dellbrück)
Tel.: +49 (0)221 - 96 44 77 00
Fax: +49 (0)221 - 96 44 77 28
Responsible for the content:
E-Mail: Olaf Gatz, Arno Gatz
Conception, design, implementation:
Olaf Gatz, Werbeagentur Gatz und Sirius23
Image authors:
Archiv Gatz, Arno Gatz, Sighild Gatz, Olaf Gatz, Max Jonas, Ernst Kaeufer, Ute Kaeufer, Gerd Radermacher, Heinz W. Steinborn, F. Riegel, J. Rautenburg, H. Memminger, W. Bauer, P. Lintner, (without claim of completeness).
Important information:
All images are taken from the GATZ archive. All rights and copyrights (unless otherwise stated) are held by GATZ-KANUS in Cologne. Any use or reproduction of images, texts, drawings, trademarks and trademarks without the written permission of GATZ-KANUS is hereby expressly prohibited and will be prosecuted.
Elchlogo, Arno Gatz Kanus-Kajaks, Bootsnamen Mohawk, Yoho, Inuit, Ojibwa, Huron, Canoki, Orca, Racoon, Kookaburra, Tucan, Prospector, Gatz-Royal, Bending Branches, Aquabound, etc. are registered trademarks/brands of Gatz. Kevlar is a registered trademark/brand of DuPont. The use of trademarks, texts and images from all Gatz-Kanus publications is hereby expressly prohibited and prosecuted without our written permission
All information on this website is to be considered approximate and is not guaranteed. We reserve the right to make changes to the design, equipment and scope of delivery. Please find out about the available models and the exact scope of equipment at GATZ-KANUS in Cologne. The illustrations may contain special equipment that is not included in the standard scope of delivery. The color reproduction may differ from reality for technical reasons.
The information on the payload refers to the standard value of 15 cm freeboard and is only used for volume comparison. The payload depends on the type of water and individual driving ability. Please note the maximum number of people and our recommended distribution between adults and children, where we assume average weight and height. The center of gravity of the canoe is crucial for a safe position on the water. Sitting people bring it up, luggage and passengers paddling on their knees bring it down. All weight details are approximate figures within the usual manufacturing tolerances and refer to the basic standard equipment of the canoes. Removable seats are not included due to different variant weights. As a result, the actual boat weight may vary, especially with permanently installed seats. Please note our instructions for safe canoeing. Photos can show dangerous situations that can only be controlled by experts at high risk.
The prices listed are current daily sales prices including VAT. The prices are ex works in Cologne, additional shipping costs are incurred for shipping, which can be viewed under the items. Please note our shipping instructions and restrictions, especially when delivering by freight forwarder. Furthermore, our terms and conditions apply.
Errors and product and price changes are reserved without prior notice.
With its judgment of May 12, 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - "Liability for links", the Hamburg Regional Court decided that by creating a link, one may also be responsible for the contents of the linked pages. According to the court, this can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from this content. Since we have no influence whatsoever on the design and content of the linked pages, we hereby expressly distance ourselves from all content of the links on our website.
Information in accordance with the Teleservices Act: The respective providers are responsible for third-party websites to which we refer via hyperlinks. GATZ-Kanus is not responsible for the content of such third-party sites. The Gatz-Kanus website may be linked from other sites without our knowledge. Gatz-Kanusl assumes no responsibility for the content on third-party websites. Gatz-Kanusl is only responsible for third-party illegal or criminal content if we are aware of it and it is technically possible and reasonable for Gatz-Kanus to prevent its use. However, according to the Teleservices Act, Gatz-Kanus is not obliged to constantly check external content.
Alternative dispute resolution in accordance with Article 14 Paragraph 1 ODR-VO and Section 36 VSBG:
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find at (please click on the link here). Consumers have the opportunity to use this platform to resolve their disputes. The company Gatz-Kanus, owner Olaf Gatz, is neither willing nor obliged to take part in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.