Canoe rentals
The free short test for you in Cologne
The free short test in Cologne
Of course, you can try out almost all of our boats before you decide which of our models you should choose. Please call us(0221-96 44 77 00) and arrange a test drive appointment during our business hours.
You pick up the boat from us (you need a roof rack or trailer and straps or lines to attach the boat) and can try it out on a nearby recreational lake. Of course, this test is free and completely non-binding for you! You should allow enough time to test several models. Time that is always worth it in terms of the long-term joy that a GATZ Canadian will give you.
Test dealer
Good specialist dealers have various Gatz canoe models available for you as test boats. The test station from Kanusport Erkner (near Berlin) with an almost complete range is highly recommended. Globetrotter in Hamburg also has a large cross-section of our program available for test drives. Speak directly to the head of the boat department here.
Test days
In spring, test days on the water take place at various GATZ specialist dealers. You can find the dates in the news/events section of this website. There you will also find out which boat models are available and whether a personal contact from Gatz-Kanus will be on site.
Try it out over the weekend or on vacation
Is canoeing really that much fun? Will the family join in? We are convinced that you too will answer these questions with YES after a canoe weekend or a holiday trip. To ensure that everything fits right from the start, GATZ-KANUS rents out Canadians from the former Royalex and current polyethylene range. From the first stroke of the paddle you can see what makes a Canadian canoe perform well. Royalex and PE canoes are regularly renewed so that you always have good material available. If you book in advance, we will be happy to reserve your desired boat.
You can download the corresponding price lists and rental conditions.